
No.1,3,4 Landscape Bridge, Comprehensive treatment of Mangniu River Project.

Mangniu River is localed in Bazhou city Hebei Province. This comprehensive renovation and upgrading project is an important part of the overall planning of Xiongan New Area.

No.1 Landscape bridge is a single steel truss arch bridge.

No.3 Landscape bridge is a steel box arch bridge.

No.4 Landscape bridge uses a box-shaped steel truss structure.

泰宁县| 古丈县| 金坛市| 延津县| 临桂县| 高安市| 岐山县| 武乡县| 克东县| 石首市| 石阡县| 司法| 东丽区| 突泉县| 顺平县| 云林县| 和顺县| 华宁县| 六安市| 武功县| 扶沟县| 华宁县| 澜沧| 林口县| 商城县| 沙雅县| 南昌县| 锦屏县| 珲春市| 望都县| 广平县| 辽阳市| 松滋市| 赣州市| 镇赉县| 长宁县| 萍乡市| 铜梁县| 安西县| 宾阳县| 泸水县|