
Enterprise performance
Overpass of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital

The project is located in the downtown area of Tianjin, which is to connect the surgical building of the hospital with the first inpatient department on the opposite side of the traffic road. the project organizes transportation and hoisting scientifically and installs in place at one time.

  • 伊春市| 龙江县| 康平县| 隆安县| 滦平县| 马龙县| 枝江市| 米脂县| 彭山县| 长治县| 湖口县| 周至县| 三穗县| 景洪市| 密山市| 色达县| 东乡县| 德钦县| 河南省| 南汇区| 富民县| 南汇区| 宁明县| 峡江县| 隆德县| 西峡县| 赤水市| 平泉县| 焉耆| 平武县| 芦溪县| 定日县| 台北市| 绥化市| 玉溪市| 江口县| 汪清县| 历史| 霍邱县| 麻江县| 宁陕县|